
Sunday, December 28

the Spirit

All I can say about this disaster is that it is a polished turd, and the polish is simply beautiful women.

The Spirit is based on a comic book (or graphic novel - I don't know the difference) of the same name about a resurrected crime fighter who is a womanizer and is sometimes impervious to pain (I know, it confuses me too). It is shot in a style blatantly stolen from Robert Rodriguez. The director, Frank Miller, was the author of 300 and Sin City - both of which made wonderful film adaptations (by talented directors might I add), but his ambition to foray into the film industry may have hit a brick wall with this one.

Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson for my money steal the show with their looks and curves. Sam Jackson is wasted talent as the antagonist, the Octopus (which really is never quite explained except for the 8 tentacle tattoos he has running down from his eyes).

There is never really any direction. It's convoluted and more importantly, uninspiring. Even the special-effects sequences seem just a bit too amateur; rough around the edges and cheap.

Finally, I had absolutely no comprehension of why the Nazi theme was introduced. Although Johansson looked incredible in her SS uniform, the whole thing came out of nowhere and really didn't contribute to any resolution or progress in the story.

I guess you could say I wouldn't recommend this, even to fans of superheroes, comic books, Robert Rodriguez, Zack Snyder or even gorgeous women. OK - maybe for the women, as there is plenty of eye candy. However, a polished turd is still a turd. 3/10.

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