The latest Hollywood nostalgia remake project is Joe Carnahan's possible ticket to the big show, and if you are looking for a mindless action romp with some A-list stars, the A-Team is for you. The cast is a makes you scratch your head a little, and they stick to the absolutely ridiculous nature of the show, but there is a lot of light-hearted action comedy that makes this a perfect summer movie.
Headlining the film are Liam Neeson as Hannibal (he's done better), the journeyman military strategist who just loves it when a plan comes together, but doesn't seem to be as smooth as people think he is. Bradley Cooper is in his element as Face, the good-looking ladies man who always seems to be the point man in the operations, but who isn't particularly intimidating. The infamous Mr. T role is played by Quentin "Rampage" Jackson, and you can imagine how that goes. Only so many times does him saying "Oh, Hell no" seem cute. He plays BA Baracus, arguably one of the most cherished television action character of the 1980's as a complete idiot meat head. The mohawk is a little more 21st century, and the gold chains are gone, but the bad-ass attitude remains. I'm a little sad that he lost his fight recently against Rashad Evans, because Jackson's acting career is going nowhere.
Sharlto Copely of District 9 plays Murdock (my favorite). His South African accent comes out a few times, and he even gets a chance to show off his Swahili. He does have some great lines (more about that later). Jessica Biel is quickly reaching her acting expiration date. A terrible actress through and through, she looks good at times, and extraordinarily average at others. Finally, Patrick Wilson plays the villain.
Wilson has been a favorite up-and-coming actor of mine ever since seeing him in Little Children and Hard Candy. He has traditionally played more serious roles with underlying psychological disorders. This role is much more fun, as he plays the nameless CIA agent with an attitude, and ends up with most of the comic relief for the film. He ends up as the villain (obviously) and is still a rising star with a good eye for role selection.
The writing and dialogue is hot and cold. Much of the military-speak is cliche and banal, but many of the jokes are right on and the mood stays light and entertaining. The action is intense and over-the-top and to be honest, it kind of brought me back to the Lethal Weapon and Die Hard days. There haven't been enough successful action flicks in the last few years of that nature, and I'm glad that the A-Team worked out.
Obviously this is not at all realistic, and the story is ridiculous topped with ridiculousness. The audience will appreciate the wistful aura, especially fans of the original series. 8/10.